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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Abraham Chill on 23 June 1965

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Abraham Chill, Congregation of Sons of Abraham, Providence, Rhode Island
Sponsor: Senator John O. Pastore (D-RI)
Date of Prayer: 23 June 1965


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Av Horaḥamim Shokhen Bamromin | God of mercy, who dwellest on high:
In Thy fatherly care do we place our faith and our trust.
Unto Thee our eyes are turned in humble supplication,
and unto Thee our hearts are grateful
for the abundance of blessings that Thou dost bestow
upon us citizens of this great democracy.
Help us, O Heavenly Father,
never to become casual,
or to lose our sensibility,
and appreciation of Thy grace
in permitting us to live and toil
in a free and unshackled society.
No greater gift can man ask;
no greater gift can man receive.
O gracious Father,
verily it was Thou who didst inspire man
and give him the superlative intellect
to solve the awesome mysteries in realms on high
and in the areas beyond the horizon.
At the same time, we implore Thee
to stir and move us to search for answers
in the innermost recesses of our hearts,
so that we may ferret out
all vestiges of inhuman discriminations
and unspeakable cruelties that are untenable
in this advanced stage of civilization.
Finally, we ask Thy blessings
upon the President
and the Vice President of these United States,
and upon our legislators.
Concretize their aspirations
to eradicate poverty and disease
from this Nation of plenty.
Crystallize their hopes
for a tolerant society.
Answer their prayers
that accompany their efforts
to bring serenity, sobriety, and peace
to a confused and despairing world.
All this we ask in Thy name,
O Thou who art above us.

This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the sixth month of the first session of the 89th US Senate, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 111, part 11 (23 June 1965), page 14538.


Congressional Record, vol. 111, part 11 (23 June 1965), p. 14538


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